1) Self-employed Alexey Valeryanovich Kryzhukov, TIN 732105998490, Email: housebrazers@yandex.ru, registered in accordance with the Russian legislation, which is the developer and administrator of the Internet resource "mp3FLIX" (available by the domain name muzfy.ru; hereinafter referred to as "Site" or "MP3FLIX") on the one hand, and
2) by the visitor of the Site - natural person of 14 (Fourteen) years old (hereinafter referred to as "User"), on the other hand, as follows
1. Definitions of the basic terms of the Agreement:
1.1 "Acceptance" - acceptance of all conditions of this Agreement by the User, without exception, through registration on the Site, after which this Agreement acquires the legal status of a written transaction (mixed-type civil law contract, including the terms of intellectual property rights with respect to works, performances and phonograms of the User).
1.2 "Registration" - the successful completion of the registration form by the User, which allows him to create his account on the Site.
1.3 "Account" means a collection of data about the User, including information provided by the User and the Service's internal information about the User. One registered User may have one Account.
1.4 "Posts and Materials" ("Posts" and "Materials") - Meaning informative statements of the User on the topics of the Site, musical works, performances and soundtracks, photographic and other materials of the User, which are acceptable for inclusion on the Site and available to an unlimited number of the Site's visitors.
1.5. "Spam" - Messages and Materials, which contradict the effective legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the lawful interests of the Company and/or the lawful interests of third parties, including messages and Materials of advertising nature, which are distributed without the consent of the Company.
1.6. "Flood" - Messages and Materials that are not related to the sections of the Site, where they were posted by the User, as well as meaningless or pointless, obscene or aimed solely at raising the User's rating.
1.7. "Service" ("Services") - the aggregate of the technical and technological features of the Site made available to the User by the Company upon acceptance of this Agreement, including access to a wide range of online services (including navigation, communication, personalization, etc.).
1.8 "Software" means programs for computers and databases that ensure the operation of the Site and the storage of information related to it, including audiovisual displays generated by such programs.
1.9 "Competitive Information" means Communications and Materials that contain information, links to sites and personal and contact information about parties that provide services similar to those provided by the Company (the Services).
2. Subject of this Agreement
In accordance with this Agreement, the Company provides the User with the Service, and the User accepts it for temporary use during the term of validity of this Agreement (Section 9).
2.2 This Agreement is considered by the Parties and accepted by the User solely together with the Community rules and Privacy policy, which are the integral parts of the Agreement.
2.3 The User acknowledges that the Site and the Service are the complex results of intellectual (creative) activity, and accepts the Service on the "as is" basis. The User has the right to refuse to use the Website and Service at any moment at their sole discretion.
The terms of this Agreement, which govern the order of publishing the Communications and Materials and using the Service, are binding for the User from the moment of Registration.
2.5 The Company has the right not to provide any features of the Service to unregistered visitors of the Site.
2.6 The User acknowledges and agrees that by uploading musical works, phonograms and performances (Materials) to the Site (User's explicit actions) the User is granting the Company permission (non-exclusive use rights) to take the following actions in relation to the Materials
2.6.1. publish and place Material on the Internet at the Site, provided that publication of Material on the Internet means the possibility of reproduction in the digital (electronic) form through the public data transmission networks for the public around the world (reproduction and making available to the public);
2.6.2. distribute the Materials through communication channels, including the Internet, excluding over-the-air and cable radio and TV broadcasts;
2.6.3. to process the Materials in a compressed digital format, as well as to make the technical edits and translations thereof